
Publicaciones del cuerpo académico

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Artículos arbitrados presentados en conferencias arbitradas o publicados en actas

  • Ferragut, A., Carrasco, M., & Paganini, F. (2024). Caching or pre-fetching? The role of hazard rates. En 60th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing. Urbana, Estados Unidos.
  • Ferragut, A., Carrasco, M., & Paganini, F. (junio, 2024). Timer-based pre-fetching for increasing hazard rates. Artículo presentado en Workshop on MAthematical performance Modeling and Analysis (MAMA 2024). Venecia, Italia.
  • Ferragut, A., & Paganini, F. (noviembre, 2023). Queueing analysis of imbalance between multiple server pools with an application to 3- phase EV charging. Artículo presentado en 41st International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation 2023. Chicago, Estados Unidos.
  • Paganini, F., & Ferragut, A. (2023). Dynamic load balancing of selfish drivers between spatially distributed electrical vehicle charging station. En 2023 59th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton) (8 p.). Monticello, Estados Unidos.
  • Paganini, F., Espíndola, E., Marvid, D., & Ferragut, A. (2022). Optimization of spatial infrastructure for EV charging. En Proceedings of the 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (pp. 5035-5041). Cancún, México.
  • Acuña, D., Ferragut, A., Paganini, F., & Briglia, E. (2022). Symmetrical components analysis for managing phase imbalance in EV charge scheduling. En Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (pp. 401-405). New York, Estados Unidos.
  • Ferragut, A., Narbondo, L., & Paganini, F. (noviembre, 2021). Scheduling EV charging with uncertain departure times. Artículo presentado en 39th International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation 2021. Milano, Italia.
  • Narbondo, L., Ferragut, A., & Paganini, F. (2021). The effect of deadline uncertanity on EV charge scheduling. En Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference - Latin America (ISGT Latin America). Lima, Perú.
  • Ferragut, A., Narbondo, L., & Paganini, F. (junio, 2021). EDF vehicle charging under deadline uncertainty. Artículo presentado en Workshop on MAthematical performance Modeling and Analysis (MAMA 2021). Beijing, China.
  • Castellano, A., Martínez, C., Monzón, P., Ferragut, A., Bazerque, J., & Paganini, F. (2020). Quadratic approximate dynamic programming for scheduling water resources: A case study. En 2020 IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference and Exhibition - Latin America (T&D LA) (6 p.). Montevideo, Uruguay.
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