
Publicaciones del cuerpo académico

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Artículos arbitrados publicados en publicaciones arbitradas

  • Apa, C., Solari, M., Vallespir, D., & Horta Travassos, G. (2023). Software industry perception of technical debt and its management. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 33(11), 1865-1898.
  • Moreno, S., Casella, V., Solari, M., & Vallespir, D. (2021). Representation of software design using templates: Impact on software quality and effort. Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development, 9, 15 p.
    Recuperado de
  • Tebes, G., Peppino, D., Becker, P., Matturro, G., Solari, M., & Olsina, L. (2020). Analyzing and documenting the systematic review results of software testing ontologies. Information and Software Technology, 123, 1-23.
  • Solari, M., Vega, S., & Juristo, N. (2018). Content and structure of laboratory packages for software engineering experiments. Information and Software Technology, 97, 64-79.
  • Dias Neto, A. C., Matalonga, S., Solari, M., Robiolo, G., & Horta Travassos, G. (2017). Toward the characterization of software testing practices in South America: Looking at Brazil and Uruguay. Software Quality Journal, 25(4), 1145-1183.
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  • Matalonga, S., Solari, M., & San Feliu, T. (2014). An empirically validated simulation for understanding the relationship between process conformance and technology skills. Software Quality Journal, 22(4), 593-609.
  • Matalonga, S., Solari, M., & Matturro, G. (2014). Factors affecting distributed agile projects: A systematic review. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 23(9), 1289-1301.
  • Juristo, N., Vegas, S., Solari, M., Abrahao, S., & Ramos, I. (2013). A process for managing interaction between experimenters to get useful similar replications. Information and Software Technology, 55(2), 215-225.
  • Solari, M., Juristo, N., Moreno, A., & Vegas, S. (2006). In search of what we experimentally know about unit testing. IEEE Software, 23(6), 72-80.

Artículos arbitrados presentados en conferencias arbitradas o publicados en actas

  • Irabedra, J. I., Solari, M., & Mousqués, G. (agosto, 2024). Active learning in software engineering: A rapid review. Artículo presentado en 50a Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática (L CLEI 2024). Bahía Blanca, Argentina.
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